Our rollercoaster moments

Our rollercoaster moments – when things go differently than expected


Did your 2020 also feel like a rollercoaster?
If you ask us: This crazy year took us by surprise and put all our plans upside down! As much as we live by the „embrace the challenge“ mindset, we didn’t like this at all!

Just when we were about to launch our very first THE BIG NEXT workshop in March 2020 – BAM! – the whole world shut down due to the corona crisis.
And with that, our workshop – the heart & soul of all our preparation work – was tucked into quarantine for an indefinite period of time. Just like all the ladies we were planning to work with. Dang it! Didn’t see that coming.


The big shock and disappointment was eventually followed by a humongous amount of ideas for alternative solutions for our coaching & consultancy services:
Should we go digital? Should we stay offline and wait for the corona crisis to pass? (… AS IF!) Should we hop onto zoom? Should we provide video messages? Should we go 1:1? Sparing you the details – the list was endless.
Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by all these questions we painfully realised: Nothing is in our control, nothing is for sure, nothing lasts forever.


But we knew one thing that we could do: KEEP GOING.
Little by little. Step by step. Even if we didn’t know where all of this was going. Not stopping but just keep moving, keep showing up, keep the pot boiling!
So we did.


In the past months we coached, consulted, helped, supported, encouraged, educated, inspired and guided ladies through the channels that were still available to us. Through workshops, online tools and 1:1 meetings – whatever was possible and in our hands, bridging the gap as we went with the new rules and regulations.
Straight through the ups-and-downs, the highs and lows.


And while we are still going through this stage of uncertainties as owners of a new business, we are feeling very close to all our clients who are dealing with the question: Where does this journey take us!?


Now that this heck of a year is coming to an end we want to share some food for thought for the Holiday Season: 3 tips how to navigate through the last days of this year – to walk out stronger into a new fresh 2021.


1) ATTITUDE: Choose to stay positive
Making yourself crazy sucks all energy out of you and only gives you wrinkles.
Positivity is a choice you can actively make, focusing on the good: on the things you do have, on the things that you did achieve, on the things that do go well. Be thankful for it, because there are many people who'd wish they had what you have.
At times where uncertainty is the new normal, choose not to bury your head in the sand, but stick it high up into the clouds!
Not only is positivity good for your mind, your body and your heart, it’s also very attractive to people.

Choose to hope, believe and trust that it’s gonna be alright. Het komt wel goed!


2) RESOURCEFULNESS: Start with the possible 
Maybe you were planning to look for a new job, but are now crushed to see that companies aren’t hiring anymore.
Maybe you were just about to start your own business, but feel paralysed now to do so because of financial insecurity.
Maybe you were longing for a career change since you’re miserable, but are now clinging to your job because „this job is better than no job“.

Corona happened and shattered your dreams. Yes, this sucks. But there’s always some little step you can take towards your next big goal. Don’t put it on hold because of the crisis. Maybe you won’t make the next huge leap or take a 180° career turn, BUT you can start small, like:
Start with volunteering somewhere that is close to your heart.
Have this one call with someone who could help you moving in the right direction. Write about this one topic that really gets to you, make it known to the outside world.

Whatever step you’re taking – be it as small – will attract like-minded people to move you in the right direction. Remember to KEEP GOING.


3) FOCUS: Spend more time on yourself
Maybe you want something so bad – a job, a position, a client – but it’s just not happening. And you might be wondering „What is the magic formula? Why do others get what they want, only I don’t?“
Well, can you name the reasons why they should work with you? Can you tell them what makes you so unique, so unexchangeable, irreplaceable, irresistible? Why should they choose you over others? Why you bring the most value?
If you were able tell them all that, they might have picked you all long.

Knowing what you’re good at, what your added value is, what makes you so unique is key if you want to put yourself out there on the market – and there are no quick answers to that. Digging out all these hidden treasures is a process, and it needs thoughts, attention and time. No quick fixes.
While the crisis slows down our lives, it can be seen as a blessing in disguise when it comes to excess time.

We want to encourage you to claim more time for yourself, to reflect on a few questions that would help you exploring your strengths, your talents. And why people should choose you.
And by putting together all these little pieces bit by bit, you will soon see the whole unmistakable picture, your footprint, which makes you so unique.


With that being said we wish a great start into a fresh new year full of reflection, discoveries and small & big successes.
We'd love to provide you with more tips, news and best practices to move you in the direction of your next fulfilled work. Just sign up for our Newsletter or check out our blog for updates!

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